Thursday, March 26, 2015

Genius Project (Presentation Reflection)

This was the big week. The moment that I had been waiting for. The moment that the entire class had been waiting for. It was presentation week, and let me tell you, it wasn't easy getting to this point. I can honestly say that I've never put so much work into a single topic as much as I did with my plyometric exercises. It was a grind, and it was difficult at some points because I just wanted to take it easy, do my other homework, and go to bed. However, the end result was well worth it. But now it was time to taken all that I've learned, and put it into a presentation where I had to "Share an idea that could change the world". Now I didn't learn how to do spoken poetry, or learn a new language. I simply learned a type of exercise, and applied that to a specific sport.

It wasn't easy coming up with an idea that fell in the category as "stereotypical" or "cliche". Of course there was the idea of never giving up, because I didn't gain any height on my vertical jump after the first week. That idea certainly wasn't going to change the world. Then there was the idea that if you put your mind to something, then you can achieve you goal. Again, another cliche topic. I obviously had to come up with an idea that was unique. Then I saw a GMC commercial with the slogan "Beat Average", and thought that I could take that idea somewhere. I knew I wanted to have a higher vertical, and be able to multiple types of dunks. I wasn't at that point when the final week came, so I came up with an idea to never settle with being satisfied, and took it to the podium, or stage rather.

As for my presentation, I was very confident with a well rehearsed script. I was excited to show people my progress, and how big of a difference three weeks of training made on my ability to jump and fly through the air. I believe that I provided a unique idea with the audience, that can be applied to nearly anything. Whether you take part in school, music, dance, or anything that requires a passion, then never settle for being satisfied. Once you settle with satisfied, then you lose your chance at greatness because there is always room for improvement. I believe that this message was taken well by the audience, as I saw few nods of approval. I will most likely continue with small updates to keep you posted on what happens in my next few weeks of training. Who knows, maybe I'll be the next LeBron James (In reference to dunking of course).

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